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Start Here if You Have Cancer

Sunset View Photo by Keegan Houser from Pexels

Where Do I Start?
If you or a loved one are dealing with cancer, then likely you are searching for ways to improve health and quality of life, above and beyond the options offered by your healthcare professional. You are looking for things you can do right now from home to give your body and your immune system the support they need to take on rogue cancer cells from within, while repairing and rebuilding damaged cells. In short, you are looking for options.

No matter what stage you are at, our first recommendation is always to get started right away on a healthy alkaline diet rich in vegetables and other alkaline foods. The majority of people who make healthy diet a priority experience some benefit through improved quality of life. Not only can the foods you eat and the nutrition supplements you take make your body inhospitable to cancer growth, but they can also improve quality of life by tackling some of the hallmarks of cancer such as low energy, digestion issues, pain, weight loss, and more.

Here at Essense of Life, we have specialized in nutrition for cancer patients since 2002. Based on our years of experience working with thousands of customers and cancer survivors, we have put together a list of recommendations for the products that we feel are the most beneficial. These Top 10 Recommendations are listed in order of importance so that you can best choose the direction that works best for your particular situation.

When you are ready to take the next step, we are here for you. Whether you are under the care of a doctor, working with an alternative healthcare provider, or going it alone, we can provide personalized recommendations. We respond to your requests quickly and are here to answer your questions. Our support is as always free. Contact us today to get started.