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Coconut Oil of Life Description
Oil of Life Coconut Oil is the best-tasting coconut oil on the market. It's clean, light flavor is a result of using fresh coconut milk that is centrifuge extracted without the use of heat or fermentation.
Oil of Life Coconut Oil is produced in an ISO and HACCP certified facility in Indonesia. The result is a light and mild coconut oil with a minimum 45% lauric fatty acid content.
Oil of Life Coconut Oil does not need to be refrigerated. Coconut oil is solid at temperatures below 76ºF, but above this it melts to a clear liquid.
Oil of Life Coconut Oil is produced in an ISO and HACCP certified facility in Indonesia. The result is a light and mild coconut oil with a minimum 45% lauric fatty acid content.
Oil of Life Coconut Oil does not need to be refrigerated. Coconut oil is solid at temperatures below 76ºF, but above this it melts to a clear liquid.
Health Topic Library
Natural virgin coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats. This is because it belongs to a unique category of fats known as medium-chain fatty acids. The medium-chain fatty acids found in natural coconut oil do not raise serum cholesterol and do not contribute to heart disease. In fact, they tend to raid the HDL and lower the LDL:HDL ratio. Medium-chain fatty acids are smaller than other fats and are therefore digested much more quickly, being fully broken down by the time they reach the intestinal tract without needing to rely pancreatic enzymes. Because of this, they don't linger in the bloodstream waiting to get deposited into adipose tissue, but instead are used as an immediate source of fuel and energy to the body. This ready form of fuel results in increased in energy, improved metabolism, decreased food consumption, lower body fat mass, and reduced body weight. Coconut oil is also rich in lauric acid, which is used by the body to make monolaurin. Monolaurin from mother's milk is what provides babies with increased viral, bacterial and fungal immunity. Coconut oil also has beneficial skin healing properties, and has been used to treat wounds and in various anti-aging skin creams.
Learn more about Coconut Oil in our Health Topics section.